Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quality of Experience: Advanced Concepts, Applications, and Methods

Quality of Experience
Advanced Concepts, Applications, and Methods

Sebastian Möller and Alexander Raake (Eds.)

  • Develops and applies the definition of Quality of Experience in telecommunication services
  • Includes examples and guidelines for many fields of applications
  • Written and Edited by known experts in the field
This pioneering book develops definitions and concepts related to Quality of Experience in the context of multimedia- and telecommunications-related applications, systems and services, and applies these to various fields of communication and media technologies. The editors bring together numerous key-protagonists of the new discipline “Quality of Experience” and combine the state-of-the-art knowledge in one single volume.

The Sensory Experience Lab (SELab) is also having its chapter within this book entitled Sensory Experience: Quality of Experience Beyond Audio-Visual with the abstract as follows:

Abstract: This chapter introduces the concept of Sensory Experience which aims to define the Quality of Experience (QoE) going beyond audio-visual content. In particular, we show how to utilize sensory effects such as ambient light, scent, wind, or vibration as additional dimensions contributing to the quality of the user experience. Therefore, we utilize a standardized representation format for sensory effects that are attached to traditional multimedia resources such as audio, video, and image contents. Sensory effects are rendered on special devices (e.g., fans, lights, motion chair, scent emitter) in synchronization with the traditional multimedia resources and shall stimulate also other senses than hearing and seeing with the intention to increase the Quality of Experience (QoE), in this context referred to as Sensory Experience.

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